FPARK Practice Nets

FPARK runs CW practice nets (along with the occasional SSB net for yakking). It is critical that you use Netlogger to follow along with our nets. Netlogger can be downloaded from http://www.netlogger.org.

During the net, follow the “pink line” to see when it is your turn. When it is your turn, you can call anyone else you see on the list, or put yourself “up for grabs” by sending your call sign and QRZ. Answer whoever you hear. There is no set exchange, but since many on the net are practicing for POTA operations, send your signal report and your state twice.

PLEASE have the AIM (instant message) window open. You may see help from net control (NCS) or others. This is not a net where you have to do everything perfectly. If you are having trouble copying, just ask on AIM for a repeat or help. This is all about having fun, there are no awards or other hoops to jump through.